Clydeascope Park (pronounced clyde-a-scope park) is the home of the Found Rest Clydesdales.  Follow along on either Facebook or Instagram as we train and grow this life changing team of majestic horses!



The Life is about meeting people where they’re at - just like our pioneers - real life evangelism. Town by town, country by country. Jesus is coming soon - the Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations. God’s chosen people are the ones who are given this responsibility.  Yes, this is your opportunity to play a part in this end, real time film that will screen before the whole universe.

The world is fast becoming mesmerised by a fake gospel - a false revival. A great deception is almost upon us. We must prepare now to share the truth. Despite the expected opposition and potential difficulty in using the media tools now available, truth will still shine forth. Just as our pioneers went from town to town proclaiming the soon coming of Christ, we too must be ready to mobilise under the direction of the Holy Spirit to share this same time sensitive message.

We believe the Lord is preparing us for such a time as this - meeting people where they’re at.
What better way to proclaim these meetings than with majestic clydesdales pulling a carriage displaying an 8 foot Daniel 2 statue! Traveling from town to town, this will be spectacular - igniting curiosity, and sharing a life changing message.  Carrying the Sword of the Spirit, and the resources now being developed, the Lords army will go forth.

We must prepare - now.

|     IT'S TIME     |