

The world has changed, yet we keep doing the same thing. Not anymore!

It’s time to rethink how we outreach, how we effectively share Jesus. But maybe more importantly, how we share the steps to a meaningful, lasting, and life changing relationship with Christ.

The Way - Steps to Christ,  is a visual depiction of the best seller, Steps to Christ, through parables. It’s a new concept to engage and inspire those who are searching for truth. Through a film that shares every word in every chapter of this powerful little book, the viewer will experience the highs and lows of a life changing journey that only Christ can give - illustrations based on stories that affect everyday life and everyday people. Set in the late 1800's, The Way will be a thirteen part series that can be freely shared with family, friends, neighbours - anybody. This high quality, innovative, non confrontational, and captivating series will provide one of the easiest and most effective ways of presenting the life changing message that a relationship with Jesus will bring.

The Way - Steps to Christ is being produced to enable simple translation into any language. This production truly is a stand alone, world wide evangelistic resource. Should the Lord will, this important film will go to camera in 2024 and is planned for release in 2026.

|    IT'S TIME    |


This entire project is not ours - it belongs to God. We are just a few of the humble workers in His plan to reach the world with the everlasting Gospel. The Lord needs you too. We are all called to play a part in this end time event. Your prayers, participation, and financial support are so important. Please contact us using the envelope icon at the bottom of the page.

As this project has unfolded, we have seen the continual guiding hand of our Father.  There are countless stories to tell of His providence and miraculous hand - evidence of His bountiful mercies and grace.  As we can expect, there are also testimonies that tell of the evil ones attempts to thwart this work of the Lord -  yes, even a life coming within a thread of ending. But God’s will be done - nothing will stop His plan, His work. A reflection of our journey so far confirms the Author, Director, and Finisher of this project - our Heavenly Father!

Maybe the Lord is prompting you to do more? Are you wanting to be used as a witness - to share the everlasting Gospel in these very last days? Maybe you have experience with, and a love for horses and want to either work with us in Australia or to even start another outreach team in your part of the world? There is so much to be done! Whatever your skill or interest is in this project, make sure you contact us. We can join together in prayer and see what the Lord's will is for you.  The Lord is building His army and He is calling all of us - now.